Felix Dzerzhinsky
Persons, originating from Poland

Felix Dzerzhinsky

Name in Polish: Feliks Dzierżyński
Born September 11 1877 in Belarus
Died July 20, 1926 in Moscow
Dzerzhinsky was a Polish communist revolutionary, knowwn as the founder of the Bolshevik secret police, the Cheka.

Dzerzhinsky was born into a Polish noble family in Dzierżynowo estate in Western Belarus, then part of the Russian Empire. He spent the major part of his early life in various prisons. In March, 1917 he joined the Bolshevik Party. His honest and incorruptible character, combined with his complete devotion to the cause, gained him swift recognition and the nickname Iron Felix. In December 1917 the Council of People's Commissars agreed with Dzerzhinski's proposal and officially established the Cheka. The Cheka became known for ruthlessly pursuing any perceived counterrevolutionary elements. From 1921-24 Dzerzhinsky' was Minister of the Interior, head of the Cheka/GPU/OGPU, Minister for Communications, and head of the Vesenkha (Supreme Council of National Economy).
Dzerzhinsky died of a heart attack on July 20, 1926 in Moscow.
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Polonica stamps:

German Dem. Rep. 1977, 06 IX
Russia 2015, 21 III
Soviet Union 1937, 27 VII
Soviet Union 1938, 21 IX
Soviet Union 1951, 04 VIII
Soviet Union 1962, 06 IX
Soviet Union 1977, 12 V
Soviet Union 1987, 25 VIII